Monday, 26 November 2012

A story about a Snow White

Once upon a time, long, long ago a king and queen ruled over a distant land.  The queen was kind and lovely and all the people of the realm adored her.  The only sadness in the queen's life was that she wished for a child but did not have one. 
One winter day, the queen was doing needle work while gazing out her ebony window at the new fallen snow.  A bird flew by the window startling the queen and she pricked her finger.  A single drop of blood fell on the snow outside her window.  As she looked at the blood on the snow she said to herself, "Oh, how I wish that I had a daughter that had skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony."  
Soon after that, the kind queen got her wish when she gave birth to a baby girl who had skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony.  They named the baby princess Snow White, but sadly, the queen died after giving birth to Snow White.
Soon after, the king married a new woman who was beautiful, but as well proud and cruel.  She had studied dark magic and owned a magic mirror, of which she would daily ask, 
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?. 
Each time this question was asked, the mirror would give the same answer, "Thou, O Queen, art the fairest of all."  This pleased the queen greatly as she knew that her magical mirror could speak nothing but the truth.
One morning when the queen asked, "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" she was shocked when it answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Snow White is even fairer than you.
The Queen flew into a jealous rage and ordered her huntsman to take Snow White into the woods to be killed.  She demanded that the huntsman return with Snow White's heart as proof. 
The poor huntsman took Snow White into the forest, but found himself unable to kill the girl.  Instead, he let her go, and brought the queen the heart of a wild boar.
Snow White was now all alone in the great forest, and she did not know what to do.  The trees seemed to whisper to each other, scaring Snow White who began to run.  She ran over sharp stones and through thorns.  She ran as far as her feet could carry her, and just as evening was about to fall she saw a little house and went inside in order to rest.
Inside the house everything was small but tidy.  There was a little table with a tidy, white tablecloth and seven little plates.  Against the wall there were seven little beds, all in a row and covered with quilts.
Because she was so hungry Snow White ate a few vegetables and a little bread from each little plate and from each cup she drank a bit of milk. Afterward, because she was so tired, she lay down on one of the little beds and fell fast asleep.
After dark, the owners of the house returned home.  They were the seven dwarves who mined for gold in the mountains.  As soon as they arrived home, they saw that someone had been there -- for not everything was in the same order as they had left it.
The first one said, "Who has been sitting in my chair?"
The second one, "Who has been eating from my plate?"
The third one, "Who has been eating my bread?"
The fourth one, "Who has been eating my vegetables?"
The fifth one, "Who has been eating with my fork?"
The sixth one, "Who has been drinking from my cup?"
But the seventh one, looking at his bed, found Snow White lying there asleep.  The seven dwarves all came running up, and they cried out with amazement.  They fetched their seven candles and shone the light on Snow White. 
"Oh good heaven! " they cried. "This child is beautiful!"
They were so happy that they did not wake her up, but let her continue to sleep in the bed.  The next morning Snow White woke up, and when she saw the seven dwarves she was frightened.  But they were friendly and asked, "What is your name?"
"My name is Snow White," she answered.
"How did you find your way to our house?" the dwarves asked further.
Then she told them that her stepmother had tried to kill her, that the huntsman had spared her life, and that she had run the entire day through the forest, finally stumbling upon their house.
The dwarves spoke with each other for awhile and then said, "If you will keep house for us, and cook, make beds, wash, sew, and knit, and keep everything clean and orderly, then you can stay with us, and you shall have everything that you want."
"Yes," said Snow White, "with all my heart."  For Snow White greatly enjoyed keeping a tidy home.
So Snow White lived happily with the dwarves.  Every morning they went into the mountains looking for gold, and in the evening when they came back home Snow White had their meal ready and their house tidy.  During the day the girl was alone, except for the small animals of the forest that she often played with.
Now the queen, believing that she had eaten Snow White's heart, could only think that she was again the first and the most beautiful woman of all.  She stepped before her mirror and said:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
It answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But Snow White, beyond the mountains
With the seven dwarves,
Is still a thousand times fairer than you.
This startled the queen, for she knew that the mirror did not lie, and she realized that the huntsman had deceived her and that Snow White was still alive.  Then she thought, and thought again, how she could rid herself of Snow White -- for as long as long as she was not the most beautiful woman in the entire land her jealousy would give her no rest.
At last she thought of something.  She went into her most secret room -- no one else was allowed inside -- and she made a poisoned apple.  From the outside it was beautiful, and anyone who saw it would want it. But anyone who might eat a little piece of it would died.  Coloring her face, she disguised herself as an old peddler woman, so that no one would recognize her, traveled to the dwarves house and knocked on the door.
Snow White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the seven dwarves have forbidden me to do so."
"That is all right with me," answered the peddler woman. "I'll easily get rid of my apples.  Here, I'll give you one of them."
"No," said Snow White, "I cannot accept anything from strangers."
"Are you afraid of poison?" asked the old woman. "Look, I'll cut the apple in two.  You eat half and I shall eat half."
Now the apple had been so artfully made that only the one half was poisoned.  Snow White longed for the beautiful apple, and when she saw that the peddler woman was eating part of it she could no longer resist, and she stuck her hand out and took the poisoned half.  She barely had a bite in her mouth when she fell to the ground dead.
The queen looked at her with an evil stare, laughed loudly, and said, "White as snow, red as blood, black as ebony wood!  The dwarves shall never awaken you."
Back at home she asked her mirror:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
It finally answered:
You, my queen, are fairest of all.
Then her cruel and jealous heart was at rest, as well as a cruel and jealous heart can be at rest.
When the dwarves came home that evening they found Snow White lying on the ground.  She was not breathing at all.  She was dead.  They lifted her up and looked at her longingly.  They talked to her, shook her and wept over her.  But nothing helped.  The dear child was dead, and she remained dead.  They laid her on a bed of straw, and all seven sat next to her and mourned for her and cried for three days.  They were going to bury her, but she still looked as fresh as a living person, and still had her beautiful red cheeks.
They said, "We cannot bury her in the black earth," and they had a transparent glass coffin made, so she could be seen from all sides.  They laid her inside, and with golden letters wrote on it her name, and that she was a princess.  Then they put the coffin outside on a mountain, and one of them always stayed with it and watched over her.  The animals too came and mourned for Snow White, first an owl, then a raven, and finally a dove.
Now it came to pass that a prince entered these woods and happened onto the dwarves' house, where he sought shelter for the night . He saw the coffin on the mountain with beautiful Snow White in it, and he read what was written on it with golden letters.
Then he said to the dwarves, "Let me have the coffin. I will give you anything you want for it."
But the dwarves answered, "We will not sell it for all the gold in the world."
Then he said, "Then give it to me, for I cannot live without being able to see Snow White. I will honor her and respect her as my most cherished one."
As he thus spoke, the good dwarves felt pity for him and gave him the coffin.  The prince had his servants carry it away on their shoulders.  But then it happened that one of them stumbled on some brush, and this dislodged from Snow White's throat the piece of poisoned apple that she had bitten off.  Not long afterward she opened her eyes, lifted the lid from her coffin, sat up, and was alive again.
"Good heavens, where am I?" she cried out.
The prince said joyfully, "You are with me."  He told her what had happened, and then said, "I love you more than anything else in the world.  Come with me to my father's castle.  You shall become my wife."  Snow White loved him, and she went with him.  Their wedding was planned with great splendor and majesty.
Snow White's wicked step-mother was invited to the feast, and when she had arrayed herself in her most beautiful garments, she stood before her mirror, and said:
Mirror, mirror, on the wall,
Who in this land is fairest of all?
The mirror answered:
You, my queen, are fair; it is true.
But the young queen is a thousand times fairer than you.
Not knowing that this new queen was indeed her stepdaughter, she arrived at the wedding, and her heart filled with the deepest of dread when she realized the truth - the evil queen was banished from the land forever and the prince and Snow White lived happily ever after.

Understand this story ? When you see this story already , what is your feelings ?
This story is not ironic you .
Just to tell you , 
conduct oneself can't selfish , please cherish the things what you have now .
Think less , feel more . Frown less , smile more . Talk less , listen more . Judge less , accept more . Watch less , do more . Complain less , appreciate more . Fear less , love more .

A Friendship ♥

友谊是用真情换来 。
真情是用真心换来 。
真心是用真诚换来 。
真诚是用行动换来 。


友情就是那么的简单 . 只是看人的想法、行动是怎样 。:)
好好的一段友情 , 在1年里添了那么多麻烦 。
哎 , 算了吧 ~~ 既然你都不愿意親自道歉 ~
自尊 , 面子重要過友情 ? 你是這樣想的話 , 你喜歡吧 。

反正 這一段友情 已經結束了 。

Please Cherish The Friendship .

Sunday, 25 November 2012

no title :)

  日本的粉丝很爽 ~T_T~ 可以拿到他们5个的照片 , 照片里有大大个签名 + 留言 ~T_T~
Oppa , 我也要 ~T_T~
我要飞去日本住了 = =
我真的在想我有没有机会去Korea看你oppa们的Bigshow ? :D
我一定要去到 。:D
wait for me , oppa ! :P

左边 :P 我来的 /.\ 剪了齐齐 =o= 右边 ~ 崔胜贤 !! 啊 , 爽气的oppa    saranghey ! :D 

好了 ~ 说会原本我要说的话题 。:)
我就来给你们烦死了 == 因为你们 !!!!! 我2晚失眠 , 原本12点多可以睡的 , 因为什么 ? 你们啦 ! 烦死了 。害得我1点多才睡得着 /.\ 你们好意思吗 ?!!
今年 , 你添了很多麻烦 !! 可以不要再这样了吗 ?! 你不闷我们都闷 。
不想讲你 , 讲你只会给自己烦恼。

最后 ................ 你已经不是我的谁了。
我只有3个舅母而已 。而且 , 她们3个比你还要好 ! 还要疼我 的好舅母。
你根本给不到我们什么 。不如离开不是更好 ? :)


Friday, 23 November 2012

Everything of everyday :)

昨天那 =0= 停电 。好停不停竟然早上停 ?! 屁啊 = =
知不知道停电对我的打击很大 =0= 其实我不知道停电的 ........ :3 
是因为 ? 因为阿姨打电话来把我吵醒 /.\ 我才知道停电 .... :3
最讨厌停电的时候 ! 什么都不能做 /.\
原本睡不着想看电视 ......... 没有电 ! 
开电脑 ...... 没有电 !
所以说 , 没有电来对人很大打击 =.=
没有水来还好过没有电来 ! /.\ kek屎人 ! /.\
囧 。

你们 ....... 为什么会这样 ?
这个难题很难解决 .........
A , 你变了吗 ? 还是B ? 我很乱 /.\
B说你变了 ...... 是真的吗 ? 我不在现场 .... 我不知道什么事 .. >_<
A有A说的 ..... B有B说的 ........ 我2个都相信 ........
可是A自己也有错 ..... B就给你敷衍 ......
哎哟 /.\ 烦死了 ...... 最后的决定只在你们之间的手上 .... 只是看你们自己要不要和好而已 ....... 我希望是可以吧 ....... 3年的友情 , 就这样放弃 ...... 舍得吗 ? 其实还可以挽回的 ..... 只要对方跟对方坦白 .... 什么事都摆脱了 ..... 解决了 ...... 真的 。我不想做夹在汉堡包里面的肉 ......... 坦白啦 ,或许坦白了 ...... 大家心里都会舒服点 ..... 至少和好有50% , right ? /.\
见面的时候 ...... 我不想看到这样的情况 。~T_T~ 为什么会这样 ? 之前还好好的 ....... 唉 .... 

我在怀疑 , 那个人是不是你 ?!
拜托 , 别一而再 , 再而三的都找妈妈出头啦 。
几岁了 ! =.= 小妹妹 ? 屁啦 ==
别以为你妈妈来找我们 , 就可以解决整件事情好吗 ?!

很讨厌这种人 。自己的事情不会自己解决 。

要人家忍你 ? 一点过分 ?
没有 , 我忍不到了 。你很过分 。

贝贝忍了你几久 . 你知道吗 ?!
每次她好好声声通知你每一件事情 , 你呢 ? 你却用什么语气说话 ? 没有上moral吗 ? 没有nilai ! 一句谢谢也没有 , 反而还用讨人厌的语气顶回贝贝 , 你好意思吗 ?! 是针对贝贝吗 ?! 你明年还要继续上moral ? 羞耻吗 ? :3
在老师面前一个样子 , 在朋友面前一个样子 。
看错你了 。

真的很后悔认识你 。
那么的无理取闹也可以 ? 
成绩而已 , 将都要斗 ? ==

每次只想着要打败别人 。不辛苦吗 ?
做好自己的本分就好了啦 , 为什么要拿成绩来斗 ? 人家几个A关你什么事 ?
是不是贝贝有什么事都要通知你 ? 我告诉你 , 妳试问你自己 , 你对得起贝贝吗 ! =.=
你不累 , 贝贝也会累 。
还那么的讽刺说 看死她进不到A班 。
难道你进到 ?你进到 ? 去进啦 。吵将多。

你不在 , 我们很开心是不是 ?
羡慕 ?

你到底想怎样 ?
你自己在facebook写那么多的讽刺的话 ,我们反击是正常的啦 。/.\
针对你 ? 你针对我们就有 /A\

我知道 , 你时常都会得空来看我的部落格 。目的是看我有没有写你嘛 /.\ follow我就为了这样 ? /3\
那么偷偷摸摸 ? 光明正大吧 。
就像珊珊说的 , 我写部落格不是骂你 。只是给你知道我的想法而已 . 这样没有错 。

写 , 只是一个看法 、想法 和发泄而已 。


The end ~

Monday, 19 November 2012

奇怪的夢 。

正在咬著西瓜 ,開着facebook ,聽著AOA的get out的人 。
愛上get out這首歌 。太好聽了 。

這個人 ,昨晚發了一個奇怪恐怖的夢 。
夢裡的情況 .........

拿成績那天 。。。

珊珊 : 可以看班級了 。快快看 。

真的嗎 ?! 去看去看了 。:0
OMG ! 崩潰 ,還在C班 ,為什麼 != =

珊珊 : 貝貝進到A班啊 。耶 。

還在崩潰中 。= =

貝貝 : 洳洳進B班哦 ....

為什麼的? = =

再看看 ,是不是真的 。啊 .... 真的 。為什麼 != =


某某人竟然可以進回B班 。為什麼= =
過後 ,我竟然指著可以進回B班的某某人說 :"這不公平的學校 ,竟然可以給你進回B班 , why !"

過後 = = 我嚇醒了 。OMG ... 我哪裡可能會這樣 = =
太可惡了 = = 為什麼我會發這些夢 = =

= =!

Sunday, 18 November 2012



龍龍 :  一種生吃的 'gaebul' 魚。

太陽 :我不愛壓力 。壓力弄得我很煩 。

勝利 :我不愛吃姜 ,太難吃了。

大成:我不愛吃番茄 小時候吃了生病 。

崔勝賢 :我什麼都吃 。因為我們要感恩我們所吃的東西 。

成員們 :WOW !


首爾 。我很想去 。
有一天 ,我會帶著一架相機去首爾、每一個國家 。
把美麗的都拍下來當作我的回憶 。:)

倫敦 你好美 。
我愛你 :)

我好想親自去感受 薰衣草的氣味 。
我不開心的時候好想跳進去 。
我很煩的時候 我想跟薰衣草說 。
薰衣草 。我幾時可以和你一起 ?
我好想現在就去感受你所感受的 。
感受你所感受不開心的 。

說實話 ,我煩惱 。
我不快樂 。
我鬧情緒嗎 ?
別問我為什麼 。
我覺得我自己不快樂 。

沒事的 。一切都會過去 。對嗎。

謝謝她的陪伴 ,她的勸告 。
我的好朋友謝謝你 。:)

我不開心 。我會聽歌。
我會唱歌 。把不開心的發洩出來 。所以別說我唱歌難聽 。:)
我知道我唱歌難聽 。:)

我會畫畫 。畫開心的事情或把不開心的畫完出來 。甚至會亂畫 。
所以別說我畫畫難看 。:)

一切不開心的 ,都會在一瞬間 或一個晚上就沒有了 。
我不開心 或 生氣的時候 。別在我旁邊開玩笑 。
我生氣的時候 。我會靜靜 。或者找人訴苦 。
我生氣的時候 。別再惹我生氣哦 。:)
我知道 我樣子本來就很兇 。:)

所以 我不開心 生氣的時候

不要理我 。:)


Thursday, 15 November 2012

conclusion! = _______ =

CONCLUSION .......................................................

結果 == 不懂要講什麼 ==

No title .

                   短髮 , 中等 , 長發 。
哪個適合我 ? :) 我每個都很喜歡呢 :)

15 / 11 / 2012 :)
with Mabel , Pui Quan & Jun Beng go midvalley . :)
今天 , 用了我很多錢 /.\ 用在哪裡 ? 慢慢說 ......

吃韓國菜 AA制 .
看skyfall AA制 . 這部電影超讚 xD 刺激 @_@ !
吃snowflake AA制 . O_O
買禮物送表弟 + 啊盈 .......

omo , 我不出街了 = = 等開學吧 :)

沒有工作 , 就是等於沒有錢 。
所以 , 是開學的時候才有錢 。零用錢 。

昨天和媽媽談天 。媽媽一直頂我 :3
不過 , 她有開解我 。:)
nomou gamsahamida omma :D
其實 假期呆在家不是說不好 。
至少我覺得 我和家人的感情好了很多 。:)

表弟今年是第一個送生日禮物給我的 :)
因為年年都是保保送先 :D

哎呀 一樣啦 xD 2個幼稚的還在爭 =_=ll
表姐表弟就是這樣的 =_=ll

....... 今天保保得空沒事做 , 拿我和她對比是不是真的很像 = =~!

Monday, 12 November 2012

沒有標題的一篇文章 。

說真的 ......... 有一點感動 .... VIP們都聯合一起去投票 ....... 目的是讓5只得到獎 ........

我呢 ?放棄了 .......... 我投了很多很多 ........ 可是還是給SJ追上 .........

ELF很強 ? 那你看看VIP們的實力 .......

每晚都在聯合 ........ 他們很累 ..... 我很想投 .. 讓他們5個可以得到獎 .....

可惜 ..... 我電腦不能再投了 ....... 我投很多次 ..........

我甚至擔心他們5個因為沒有得得獎而不開心 ........ 一直在想ID的名字 ...... 密碼 ...........

很累 .......... 真的很累 ............... 為什麼 為什麼 ELF實力那麼強 ..........?

唉 ........ 我沒再投票 ...... 我一直都在看成績 ......... 為什麼 ? 為什麼ELF那麼強 ?

VIP們真的很累 ................

VIP們 ......... 雖然他們5個得不到獎 ......... 可是他們也曾經努力過 ........... 其他人不知道 ...... 我們VIP知道 .................. 所以 ........ 不要不開心 ............. 雖然我也不開心 .......... 因為給SJ拿掉的話 .........

VIP們 ........ 你們加油 ....... :']]

今天 , 我們去貝貝家 :) 弄cup cake xD
我擠了我愛人的名字 xD TOP ! 

原本想再擠的 ....... 可是不夠cupcake /A\
never mind吧 ..... next time ^_^#
今天真的很開心 :D

可是我有點不開心 ........ 我要冷靜下 ..... !!!!!!!!!! ......................

Haizzzz ................................................ 不要提了 ...........................

Skip ....

我用爸爸電話自戀了一下 /A\ 

看了下面的照片不要打我 /A\我懂我很自戀 /A\

黑眼圈深到 ........................

我喜歡這張 ....... :)

沒有表情 .......... 

我想你了 ..................♥

其實這位可以忽略 XD

我弟弟 xD

........ 我的心情很亂很亂 ........
我是不是太在意你說的話 ........

還是 ? 我完完全全討厭你所喜歡的 ? .....
不知道 ......

121212 .. 什麼日子什麼日子 ? 就是SEung Ri's Birthday !! xD
可愛的膩膩 。你要生日了 ^_^# 要什麼禮物 ? xD
叫崔勝賢送你熊熊抱 xDDDDDD [[其實是我要的 :$ ]]

151212 ... 有一個我認識的VIP , 好朋友生日 xDDD ^_^#
不要不開心了朋友 :) 她阿 , 不開心 開心 都跟我分享 :)
傻婆 ... 別為了那些女生而不開心 。:D 知道嗎 ?
we're proud to be a VIP of them :D
她和我一樣 , 愛崔勝賢 :D

161212 !!!!!!! 記得這個日子嗎 ?!!!!! 誰不記得我砍掉他的頭 :P
有人記得的 。:) .........

-有時候 , 說話的時候請記得想想別人的感受 。
或許 , TA很難受 , 你並不知道 。
根本沒有人會好好地理解 。


Sunday, 11 November 2012


很討厭一些女生 。
和之前的分了就算了囖 。
為什麼要去煩那男的現在女友 ?
嫌吃飽得空沒事做嗎 ?

反而你這樣做作的行為 , 令到我的朋友很不開心 。
我最討厭這種人 , 弄到我的朋友不開心 。

還要和那男的出街 ?
不能啦 。
你知道嗎 , 你弄到我的朋友很不開心 。
是突然間的不開心 。

你到底想怎樣 ? 挽回 ? 沒有可能啦 !

告訴你 ...... 別再把我的朋友弄不開心 。
不然 你沒有好日子過 。


I'll Show You - Ailee

這首歌 就如貝貝說的 。唱得很兇 。可是 我覺得她唱出了我們女生的心聲 。:)

Ailee(에일리) _ Heaven MV

最近我很愛她的歌 . 她的歌很好聽 。:)

票題票題 啦啦啦 。

我的心開通了很多 :)
最近 無煩惱 :)

昨天 , 去貝貝家 。:)
學addmath :D 其實 要領悟addmath並不難阿 :)
反而呢 , 我真的覺得數學和addmath倒轉來了 。addmath容易它很多 。:D

媽咪說不要浪費假期的時間 。快快學習新的東西 , 對自己也有好處 。:D
是真的 :D 我要快快領悟我的弱點 .... 數學 -_-
可是不錯哦 .... 我還以為addmath真的很難 ..... 可是做起練習 .... 不會難阿 。:D

account也很容易 xD
我愛上了數學 !! 啦啦啦 xD 慘了 , 蔡佳敏這個人竟然會愛上數學 。
以前 我超討厭數學 /A\
因為算到很亂 =0= 可是現在 我愛上了它 xD 數學 , 別跑 ! 我不會放棄你的 :D
我一定要克服 ........

明年的英文國語歷史 全部寫的 /A\
OMG ! Otoke ! /A\
說真的 ....... 我的英文退步了 .... 怎樣辦 ? ......
我很怕 .......... 怎樣辦 ? ! 如果我的英文真的退步了 ...... 我會嚴重崩潰!
英文對我很重要 。So important !!!! ~T_T~
沒有了英文 , 我不做人 != =
英文不好 , 我會崩潰 != =

英文 在我家族裡 很重要 。


Friday, 9 November 2012

无标题 。

; o(>_<)o

哎古 ..... 今天的facebook轉得很慢很慢 。
facebook , what happen to you ? /A\

今天是一位傻婆的生日 。:D
黃芷盈傻婆 Happy Birthday ...... :D
雖然你做工 , 我們慶祝不到 。沒關係吶 ~ 明年 :)

然後哦 , 今年真的是大破產 ~T_T~
假期很多人生日咧 ~T_T~
明知道假期是破產期間 ........ 還很多人生日 ~T_T~
沒有辦法 , 禮物是我的誠意 
╮(╯▽╰)╭ 對不對 /A\

不知不覺 ..... 我的生日好像要到了 xD [[三八 . 妹妹的生日都還沒到= =表哥的生日都還沒到= =]]
1216 ........ :D
我好期待 A_____A

有人說 : 盡情期待 。哎呀 ...... 這句話 , 弄到我心癢癢 。好想知道 xD

有人爆出來料 A____A --> BIGBANG STILL ALIVE TOUR 2012 ...... !!!!
詳情 ? 不說了不說了 XD 太興奮啦 !!!! 啊 
\(≧▽≦)/ ♪真的快瘋掉   \(≧▽≦)/ ♪

還有 , 不知道家人記得我的生日嗎 ? D':

skip !

某人  , 對 。我要告訴你 。
少了你哦 . 我們很開心很開心很開心 ! :D
怎樣 ?
就像貝貝說的 。像天堂那樣的開心 xD

怎樣 ? 羨慕嗎 ?
其實 , 你也會有的 , 只是你不會珍惜我們 。/A\
這又如何 ? 你說的話 真的真的 好諷刺 。
夠了嗎 ? 不累嗎 ?
之前你珍惜我們 , 今天就不會搞到這樣的地步 , 對吧 ?
" 早知今天又何必當初 ? "

不聽我們言 . 吃虧在眼前。 /A\

Haizzzz .... 如果有人叫我原諒你 。我覺得 , 真的很難很難 。
雖然 . 媽咪、老師都說生氣一個人很累 。討厭一個人很累 。
這個 , 我知道 。:] 可是 , 我不是生氣你 。我只是不喜歡你的性格 。
那要怎樣 ? 告訴你嗎 ?
有用嗎 ? 你不改變 。哪能怎樣 ? 改變不到的事實 。接受吧 。

改變 。這類事情 , 很難 。
還是算了吧 。

- You will never get what you want  until you are thankful for what you have . :)

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

无标题again =.= 一定要放乜 ? -_-

人呐 就是那么现实

有些人 开心不开心 都把笑容挂在嘴边 ~

恩 , 人就是这样 。

烦恼吗 ? 开心的人会回答 , 我不烦恼 ~
其实TA很不开心 ~~~~~~~

我知道的 。
没关系呐 不开心找我 ~ 我愿意当NI的聆听者 :D

[[ 神经错乱 = = ]] 无言 /.\
我不愿做情绪化的人 = = 我要做开心的人 /.\

Monday, 5 November 2012

标题 ? 没有啦 , 不要烦 =_=

; 我不知道你的心是想什么的 , 每一个状态 , 每一句话 , 都在讽刺我们 。
很好玩吗 ? 这是一个很幼稚 、很无聊的行为你懂吗 ?!

说什么 "我发觉我已不再是你们的姐妹、好友
如果你们是不喜欢的话、可以直接告诉我、我也不会再打捞你们、保重了、朋友 !! "

这句话 , 里面包含了什么 ?这句话 , 里面的意思是什么 ?
很无聊你知道吗 ?! 直接告诉你 ? 才不要 ! 告诉你了等于没有告诉到 。拜托 ,我很讨厌这样 。
好吧 ,现在是你自己提出的 。
你喜欢吧 。都到了这种地步了 ,已经挽救不到了。

跟她们很开心 ?去啦 。跟她们 。不用理我们的 。
是你自己提出的 。随心所欲 ~

其实 我有想过原谅你 = = 可是 你就越来越过分 。
还闹情绪的说 " 保重了 ,朋友 !! "

超讨厌 。现在是你的错 。我不想挽救 。很累
就为了你 ,全部去挽救你一个 ?
算了 。我很累了。

妈妈叫我忍你 ,好咯 ,现在不用忍了。
我们有自己的风格 。

有本事的话 ,就去跟乐乐她们说啊 。
我坚持我自己的想法 。我们没有错 。
错的是你自己不会珍惜 。

算了吧 。
我不稀罕 。=D


Sunday, 4 November 2012

With Them At Saturday ♥

; 哇哈哈 , 星期六是我最开心的一天 。:D
因为什么 ? ..... 我可以见到Bitch成员们 ~~ 很开心呐 。:D

她们 / 他们没有变到 ............ 有 , 有一个变了 xD 她 ? 剪短头发 @_@ !!

然后又不给我们看 , bitch傻婆 

很感动呐 .... 因为有人准备了我的生日礼物 ~T_T~
好快 @_@ 其他的 ? 还是那句 ...... 敬请期待 。/.\
好吧 。我等 :P 

有人哦 , 说去炸人家的墙壁 , 结果咧 ? 没有去 =_=///
说说而已 ~~ =_=lll

那天 我们的话题很多 离不开沉默 。当然吖 , 我们是好朋友 。:D
明年遇不遇到还是个未知数 ...... :')
还是希望 . 同一样的补习 ....... :']

如果 ...... 如果 ...... 不同补习了 ...... 你们会忘记我吗 ....... ?
我真的很怕你们忘记我 T_T 我不会忘记你们的 .......... 知道吗 ......

如果 ....... 如果也是一个未知数 ..........
很讨厌你们的 >_< 每次啧我 .... 你们是啊婶啊叔来的 ! :'O
我 ? 顶嘴差了啦 ......... 因为什么 ? 少了你们的教导 ..... /.\ 顶嘴在你们那边学回来的 .......... :'P
 虽然我大过你们 ...... 可是哦 ....

我矮过很多人 ..... 哪里可以将的 ....... T_T 你们吃什么大的 T_T

还是那一句 ....... 我会记得你们 .......... 也会想念你们 ....... :'D Bitch ! 谁忘记我 ... 那个人就惨 ...... =_= ////

少了你们 ...... 没有人当我的聆听者 ...... 没有人陪我疯狂Bigbang ...... 没有人陪我玩顶嘴 ......... 没有人跟我high ........ 没有人陪我打乒乓 .............

几时 ? 几时约出来 T_T
这个又是一个未知数 .........
不知道你们还记得没有 ......... 我说 " 拿成绩那天电联 .... "

这句话 , 不懂有谁记得 ....... T_T

Goodbye Bitch .... :')

Photo Take By Kamen :)

重点是照片 。╮(╯▽╰)╭

我的书桌  !! 总于有空位 = =
之前乱到 = = 因为考试的问题 所以考试期间书桌不是很美 = =
明年啦 xD 一定乱回 :P

我等着拿成绩 =________=
又怕又要拿= = 无奈 ..........................

塔塔 !! 看到没有 :P 生日快乐 :D
Lol ,,,, 过了哎 .........

我喜欢这种没有眼睛 = =
有没有搞错 = =
想换做个人头像 ....... 不要啦 = =
自恋 = =

【我又自言自语 = =】


see see !!!!!
BigBang追上SJ了 !! :D

but shinwa & SJ还是领先 .... /.\

never mind ..... VIP !! Hwaiting ! :D 怀廷 ! :D

我不知道 现在的状态是怎样
我很乱 很讨厌 很bek cek 很赌烂

我的心情就是这样 我不是羡慕什么 我只是讨厌
我不喜欢帮不到我 还说风凉话的那些无聊极的人 要风就出去吹 就会凉啦 不要在这里说那么多没有经过大脑的话 讨厌死了

你要人气就去拿啦 拿啦 拿到先
冷气 外面多得很 有得卖
要做红人 算了吧 你是华人 不是红人
拜托 几岁了 还像小孩子那样玩泥沙 好心啦  将大了 就成熟点啦

真的很想一巴就给你 让你醒醒
双面人 你才是
快乐 ?我觉得我没有

有人安慰我 开解我 ? 没有
有人帮到我 ?没有

算了 什么都不想计较

我自己一个好了 好了吧 ?!


4 November 2012 ♥

这个日子是很重要的日子 :D
因为是他的生日 。:D
生日快乐 , 塔塔 。:] 

得空吖 , 就要好好的休息 , 知道吗 ... D:

对不起塔塔 ...... 你生日的时候 , 我心情不好 。D:
对不起 ....... 明年我会很开心的 ..... :]

因为一些人 ...... 破坏了自己的心情 ...... 不值得 ....

Happy Birthday To My Dear Choi Seung Hyun :]

谢谢龙龙 腻腻 贝贝 大成 帮他庆祝 。:]

别再让我更讨厌你 。

; 我的脾气不是很好 。
我不会一忍再忍 。
你的脾气 , 我很讨厌 。
在面子书 , 装好人 ?
呵呵 , 可以给一个大奖你了 。
要 ?

假 , 很假 。虚伪 ! 太虚伪了 !

你这种人 , 无药可救 !
完全 不想原谅你 !

凸 !!!!!